If you can
build it,

we can help it grow.

Our Services

Start-up Support

Start-ups have unique needs. Getting your company off the ground takes a lot of bootstrapping and a “fake it ‘til you make it” attitude. While you grow and scale, Significant Other can serve your organization in various interim roles until you have the need for full-time positions:

  • Branding Strategy

  • Marketing, Website and Social Media Setup

  • CMS and CRM Design and Implementation

  • Project Management

  • Process Automation

  • Digital File Storage and Organization

  • CRM, Dropbox, Slack, Teams, Email, Project Management Software setup

Operations Strategy

When you’re not ready for a COO quite yet, but need help creating processes and procedures that can be automated to increase efficiencies and maximize results.

Let us help with getting your business operations in order so you can focus on more:

  • Digital Process Optimization

  • Workflow Design and Automation

  • Onboarding and Training

  • Team Communication Strategy

  • Annual and Quarterly Goal Setting and Reviews

Virtual Team Management

As a small business, we know you rely on staying agile and lean. With our network of creative, financial, project managers and virtual assistants, we help assemble the most efficient team for your team, and we manage that team and your processes for you.

Once we work together to implement your business strategy, we will curate a team of vendors and contractors to help maintain your processes. We will continue to manage your team so you have a single point of contact.

Marketing Strategy

With over 20 years of Marketing experience across various industries, we are well-versed in helping your business evaluate your current marketing strategy to help connect you to your target audience.

  • Website and Social Media Strategy

  • Traditional Paid Advertising

  • Business Development and Networking Strategy

  • Content Creation and Copywriting

  • Design and Creative Resources

Our Process

Initial Consultation

Our process begins with an initial consultation that will explore your current business needs and challenges. We will conduct a thorough audit of your current operations and processes, and discuss how we can help plug-in to your current team structure.

Strategy Development

Once we have completed the initial consultation and audit, we will begin to build out your unique solutions strategy, depending on the areas you need help in. During the strategy development, we will meet weekly to design systems meant to automate more efficient processes.

Ongoing Support

Once the Strategy is delivered and implemented, we will curate a virtual team of vendors and professionals to support your strategy. Significant Other will continue to manage your virtual team so that you only have one point of contact for your fractional roles.